These are the days of our lives….

So, I’ve been super quiet lately. Partly because I’ve just been too busy to sit down and write. Partly, because maybe I’m still in a little bit of denial. Also, partly because I’ve taken on a new job at my work that I love…but it’s made me busy!

We had a magical trip to Disney. There really are no words to how much fun we all had. What you don’t know is the why! Why did we plan a last minute, bank breaking trip? Well, the hubby wanted to. You see, when Ross was a kiddo….he had cancer, twice. Just in case your mind goes there…he does NOT have cancer again! Whew!

However, during his cancer treatments…he received ONE blood transfusion. This was in 1989. They didn’t start to screen blood for bad things until 1992. So, unfortunately, the blood he received was tainted with Hepatitis C. He did treatment way back for it and it has remained a low risk disease for him for years!

During a routine visit with his doctor this fall, his liver enzymes were elevated. No big deal…they always are slightly elevated. However, these results were pretty high. They scheduled a liver biopsy around the holidays and the results were slightly worse than we were expecting. Ross was told he had some significant liver damage. This is basically borderline liver failure. So, the doctor gave him really no choice….he needed to start an Interferon treatment, or else he would need a liver transplant soon if we can’t get the Hep C under control. Treatment can last from 48-72 weeks…so basically the next year. We were told the treatment comes with some pretty serious side effects, but weren’t too concern because he has already been through it (and back then, it coincided with chemo).

So, knowing that he would be feeling kinda crummy for a year or so…we planned our Disney trip. Did I happen to mention it was magical?!

We got home from Disney and treatment has been delayed for one reason or another. The nurses were stressing that we read all the information that comes along with treatment. Quite frankly, I know they have to cover their butts….but the treatment paperwork is downright scary. “May cause heart attacks, strokes and even death.” The most common side effects include fatigue, flu like symptoms, hair loss, headaches, vomiting, etc….but the extreme side effect is death. No big deal, right?! ((Yikes!))

So, here we are. Tomorrow starts the first day of treatment for Ross. We know that God has a plan….a plan that we can’t see or even imagine. But we are asking for prayers….as many as you’ll send up! We pray that the side effects are minimal and that the treatment is effective. After about 6 weeks of treatment, he’ll have extensive bloodwork done to see how the Hep C is responding to treatment. If his numbers haven’t rapidly decreased….they will consider treatment a failure and he will stop. At that point, I guess we just wait around for his liver to get bad enough for a transplant.

I know for a long time, Ross didn’t want me to share this with anyone. But now, he doesn’t care. This is a guy who has never drank, smoked or done drugs. He has taken care of and protected his body well. So, we are just waiting and praying to see what Gods plan is for the Mikels family. If Noelle taught us anything, it’s that God has a plan….and sometimes you just have to be patient for it.

Noelle and I just returned from a doctors trip in Pittsburgh….I’ll save that blog for another day because there is really not much to tell. Noelle remains a mystery….just the way she likes it!

So for now, we wait….we pray! Feel free to join us!


Stacie 🙂

4 thoughts on “These are the days of our lives….

  1. I know we are new in our G&S sisterhood, but I count it an honor and privilege to be praying for you and your dear family. You are right, God has a plan. And His strength and tenderness will hold you all through the process. Much love and respect – Anna

  2. I’m sitting here crying! You all are definitely in my prayers. I know it takes faith and courage to get where you are in life but Stacie – you have been handed so much! Please know I will pray for Ross & your entire family! Hugs to you all!

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