Things that should be easy…

You would think it would be easy for me to give Ross his first treatment shot today. I’ve watched needles go in and out of him and Noelle what feels like thousands of times! To give a shot… Knowing the side effects that the shot may cause… was sad for me today!

The shots and pills are in… So for now, we wait, we pray and we hope!!

Ross is in a great mood and even decided to do a video blog about his journey through treatment! This is crazy because he is usually such an introvert! I think he has kept this secret for so long (because even doctors have been quick to judge how he got the Hep C… Until they hear the story)… I think it feels good to let it out!!! I’m proud of him! Check it out:

Our marriage hasn’t been roses and chocolates everyday! We have had to work to keep our relationship and marriage strong. It hasn’t been easy. Tonight, it’s easy! He has always worked so hard to provide for us and love us unconditionally. I’m proud of him for taking this with such ease so far……

So, again… We wait, we pray, we hope… Thanks for joining us!


Stacie 🙂